Friday, April 24, 2009

Tofu Day!

Pan Fried Tofu With BBQ Sauce
I made this dish as requested by my son about a week ago.
I didn't post it as I thought it was similar to
Pan Fried Tofu with Orange Marmalade Glaze
I posted before.
I changed my mind because today is my "Tofu Day".

After cooking tofu with oil about 4-5 minutes each side until golden brown, add BBQ sauce to the pan and bring to bubbling. Cook about 5 more minutes until sauce coats the tofu well.

I had this tasty tofu with calrose rice, steamed broccoli & mushroom. It was soooooo yummy in my tummy!!!


  1. That bbq tofu is after my own heart. I love bbq sauce on anything! Wonderful idea!

  2. Ah..ha, my favorite tofu recipe is back again!
    What you've had in this picture made me feel
    hungry already, thanks for a wonderful idea!!
